
Brilliant Cut Diamonds Have a Mystery But Why?

It goes without saying that the Brilliant Cut Diamond has mystery but the question is, “Why?” Is it because it is one of the most spectacular gems we have ever set our eyes on? Before you answer, let’s put all of our cards on the table.

First and foremost, there are a lot of jewelers reading this and they are SCREAMING mad. They are mad because they do not agree with the overwhelming assessment of the Brilliant Cut Diamond. They feel that way because they may have a greater affinity for Princess Cut Diamonds, Asscher Cut Diamonds, Emerald Cut Diamonds or any of the other well-known and well beloved cuts.

The truth is, their affinity is inspired by the fact that they make their living specializing in certain cuts. For example, I have friends in the jewelry business who are authorized distributors of the Hearts On Fire Diamonds. They swear by these diamonds as the best diamonds in the world bar none. In my humble opinion, their assessments are way over the top. But it’s their opinion and I respect them for intense and passionate candor, albeit, however biased.

There are others who sweat by the particular cuts they specialize in selling. Those two groups may disagree with this upcoming assessment about Brilliant Cut Diamonds but remember, their assessments are clouded by their affinity and bias.

It is my objective to be completely unbiased in this missive about Brilliant Cut Diamonds. Truthfully speaking, I’ve been in the business long enough and have seen an incredible amount of diamonds. However, when the first time I laid my eyes and then my loupe on a Brilliant Cut Diamond. It was a breathtakingly amazing experience to say the least. I’ll never forget the never ending sparkle that seemed to go on forever and a day. It was then that I realized… for the first time ever; I was smitten by a diamond.

To be crystal clear, if you love one or more of the other diamond cuts, more power to you… so do I! It’s just that the Brilliant Cut Diamond has a mystery to it that in my opinion, no other diamond can match. If you’re asking, “What is the mystery?” It may its brilliant sparkle. It may be its unique cut. It may be that we will never figure out the mystery but one thing is for sure, the Brilliant Cut Diamond has the most beautiful sparkle in the world!


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